Diabetic Diet: The Best Proteins To Eat

There are many options for diabetics when it comes to healthy foods. One of the best things they can do is incorporate more protein into their daily diet. It takes longer to digest, so it won’t cause a big blood sugar spike later on. Plus, it provides a steady supply of energy for hours.

However, it can be hard to think of healthy proteins when all you hear is avoid saturated fats! Well, if you are having a hard time planning your meals, consider adding one of these best proteins for diabetics.

#1. Plant-Based Proteins

Non-animal protein might be the healthiest option for you. It is usually found in nuts and fruiting plants with good fats and plenty of fiber. Try whipping up meatless chili with a can of black beans or serving hummus for your next party. A handful of nuts will also make a great snack and help quell your appetite.

#2. Chicken and Fish

If you do want animal protein, go for white meat. This option has fewer saturated fats than red meat. You’ll find that both seafood and poultry are healthy white meats. Grill some chicken breasts for your next barbecue and make lunch next week with tuna salad sandwiches.

#3. Cheese and Eggs

There is protein in dairy products like cheese and eggs. However, you’ll want to be careful how much of these you take in each day. Dairy products tend to be high in fat, which adds unwanted extra calories to your meal. Start the days with a plate of scrambled eggs. When you’re feeling nostalgic for something from your childhood, put together a nice grilled cheese sandwich.

These are just the broadest categories of healthy proteins for diabetics. Within each of them, there is a wide selection of tasty treats to fill your dinner plate.

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These Are the Best Proteins for Diabetics. URL Link. Accessed April 20, 2017.

Protein Foods. URL Link. Accessed April 20, 2017.


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